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    Roof photovoltaic power generation helps usher in summer
    Publisher:小编Release time:2022-09-21 18:18

    On August 12, climb up to the square tower on the roof of the punching and welding workshop, and look around, blue photovoltaic modules spread all over the roof, shining in the sunlight. At this moment, the light energy is being silently converted into DC power, injecting endless "green energy" into the workshop production of Changzhou Haojae Suzuki Co., Ltd.

    The continuous high temperature has made the power load of Changzhou continue to rise, and the power peak in summer has also entered a critical period. From January to July, the industrial power consumption in Xinbei District reached 4.41 billion kWh, up 7.2% year on year, 5.5 percentage points higher than the city's average; The electricity consumption in July increased by 27.4% year on year.

    In order to strengthen the orderly and safe use of electricity, the New North Area has played an important role in photovoltaic new energy.

    Li Ping, the chief engineer of power supply and distribution in Suzuki, Haojue, Changzhou, said: "At present, nearly 200000 square meters of factory roofs have been installed with photovoltaic modules, with a total installed capacity of 10 megawatts, which can generate 10 million kilowatt hours of electricity throughout the year."

    Haojue Suzuki has launched a new project with a construction scale of 9.1 megawatts this year. Now, it has entered the bracket installation stage and is expected to realize grid connected power generation by the end of the year. At that time, the largest industrial enterprise roof distributed photovoltaic power generation project in the city will be born in Haojue Suzuki.

    Roof photovoltaic builds a new "double carbon" track, making this green energy a new choice for enterprises to ensure supply.

    Under the scorching sun, Changzhou Changjiang Glass Co., Ltd. ushered in the peak production season. "Since August, orders have been pouring in. While we are racing to catch up with the progress, the power demand has also reached a peak." General Manager Wan Xiaojun said.

    Changjiang Glass is a leader in the bus glass industry in China, with a market share of 75% in the domestic subdivided fields, and is also a "big consumer" of electricity. There are 9 tempering furnaces and 18 hot bending furnaces in the two main production workshops, and the daily average power consumption in peak period reaches 70000 kWh. The impact of switching off and power rationing last year is vivid. Wan Xiaojun said that under the dual control of energy consumption, enterprises are also seeking ways to "save themselves", and roof photovoltaic has become their first choice.

    "We invested 2 million yuan in advance and installed about 1200 photovoltaic modules on the 4000 square meter roof. Recently, the average daily power generation has reached 2700 kilowatt hours." Wan Xiaojun introduced that the enterprise is ready to put into construction in three phases, with the target installed capacity of 4.5 MW. "Self use and replacement of peak power can effectively save costs."

    In recent years, Xinbei District has actively promoted the comprehensive utilization of geothermal energy, wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy and other complementary energies, especially the development of distributed solar power generation. By the end of 2021, the total installed capacity of photovoltaic projects registered in Xinbei District is about 311.9 MW. This year, the newly recorded installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation totaled 80.6 MW. In July alone, 20 projects were filed and 26.9 MW of installed capacity was added. Large enterprises such as Guangyang Bearing, Xingyu Lights, Xinquan Co., Ltd., Modern Engineering Machinery, and Terex are also accelerating the layout of roof photovoltaic power stations. (Wu Yanling, Zhang Han, Fu Jie)
